Sunday, October 10, 2010

John Lennon Anniversary

This weekend marked the 70th birthday of John Lennon. Lennon, a member of the Beatles who was fatally shot in New York City on December 8, 1980. Lennon is remembered as one of the most influential singer-song writers of the 20th Century. Besides music, Lennon had art pieces, and was a peace activist. Arguably, one of Lennon's most famous songs "Imagine" has a verse that has made me think about the world we live in the verse is as follows:
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace
This verse has made me ponder about the world we live in. Native Americans for example, lived in a world without proper nations or religions. They Native Americans lived for the earth and of the earth. Their religion was based on the fact that everyone comes from the earth and when they die they return to the earth. A world without nations and religions would be quite different then the world we live in, without religion there could arguably peace in the middle east, Ireland and England would not be fighting, and neither would India and Pakistan. As John Lennon would say, imagine.
Here is a video of Lennon performing his song "Imagine":

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